Wednesday, March 26, 2008


2 days to go..

Yes, I must be absolutely stark raving mad... I've banned myself from listening to any Jean Michel Jarre music at home either on dvd or cd... why? Irrational excitement builds up and I want to save it all for Friday - please..!

There's so much to do here still before we set off on Friday for Manchester - thankfully, living so close means a lot and the train fare isn't going to kill us!
(we're approx 12 minutes by train away or six miles, take your pick!)

I've got the back bedroom ready for our overnight guest staying there and supper for when we get back has been planned meticulously. This is an area where fast-food is hard to obtain, so it's good home-cooking on the menu. Anyway, I'm skipping a few things here... The fan-meeting in Manchester has all been sorted out and people know now where to meet up. I'm also taking along with me my kazoo. It's small, portable, easy to replace if missing or broke, is totally analogue and should make for a great 'ice-breaker' at any given point before entry to the theatre. I call it 'Jarreaoke' for want of a better name for the activity...
My camera batteries are currently being charged up and with the rest of my gear, will then be assembled precariously in my handbag for use on Friday. Contents which will include train tickets, concert tickets spare memory cards, batteries and of course, not forgetting, the kazoo.

If there's one thing I've come to appreciate is the meeting up of other like-minded souls all heading off to the same venue you're going to and when you're all together, it creates the kind of social buzz that helps to heighten the anticipation and excitement of it all. Walking to the theatre as a collective (known as a 'walking bus') adds a new sense of feeling... I missed that back in 1997, when I went alone, didn't meet up with anyone and went home alone... then again, 11 years ago, there wasn't the internet and the socialising networks there are now.
Of course, the majority of people have met people who know people who have met people through other concerts - it's somewhat more than just a normal community - it's something more.
Either way, the excitement here continues to build up and Friday seems like an impossible dream, but it will soon be here.
As too will Jean Michel Jarre himself...
Thankfully, this time, the England Vs France game is tonight... ironic how 11 years ago, a similar game was being played the same week in the UK and the resulting score was 1-0. It will be a bit more than fate if the score tonight is 1-0.
I shall be keeping watch!!