Saturday, February 28, 2009


Getting the ‘Spring Cleaning’ done…

After failing to understand why the mixing desk here hasn’t been working too well, a major descision has been made to re-work the entire show. You’ll still get the great music – there won’t be any change there, but it does seem that all the ‘talking’ will have to be pre-recorded…

Why does that bring about the mention of ‘spring cleaning’ and re-working the entire show? It means more features and news can be added… which is good. March is generally a busy month around here anyway – not least of all the annual lantern procession – which this year marks 11 years of the event. Spring is a time for wildlife breeding and the best time of the year to listen to birdsong and where the bare branches of the trees in winter begin to burst forth into bloom. As someone who is equally passionate about all that, it really does seem crazy not to combine the two.