Fun on Friday....
So, Ok... "Can you come on over on Friday to the cafe? You'll be involved in a photoshoot" I was told... so.. Friday came and at the appointed time, I showed up. As too did the Pure Radio team... and also a local MP that I've known a very long time.

Dave, Caroline and Tim (Pure Radio)
I'd already vowed in advance that, instead of using my real name, I was going to call myself 'Algernon Winstanly Knuckleduster III' - merely so I could then spell my own name... but one mug of coffee can do nothing to help.. really.
The photographer from the local paper turned up. My first instinct was 'this dolt looks like Columbo' and I just wish now that I'd had the forsight to take a picture of him in his grubby looking mac, scruffy pants and shoes and the sort of hairstyle the original Columbo would die for.
In fact.. it just seemed to be that the phrase 'dragged through a hedge backwards' fitted to absolute perfection and beyond.
And so it came to pass that pictures were taken. My pose was to look like I was interviewing the politician with the radio crew behind me and 'Brinnington Community First' representative Karen Reece (there's a reason for mentioning her name.. you'll see)
Naturally, I'm always a bit neurotic when it comes to our local paper because they've a reputation for getting names spelt wrong consistently, so when this Columbo-esque figure asked me for my name, I was poised to say 'Algernon Winstanly Knuckleduster III' when I heard my own name fall from my lips. I could feel my mind screaming 'nooo you idiot!!!' but thankfully, by talking slightly louder than normal and very very slowly, I was able to get him to write down 'A b i'....
With that in mind, this Columboesque figure went around the table collecting names that he was scrawling onto a piece of paper with a pencil (see, our press aren't THAT advanced...) and asked Karen if her name was spelt with a 'C' and 'how do you spell Reece?'
Personally, I wouldn't trust him to put batteries in the back of my own camera, let alone set him loose into the world with a professional camera like that with a seemingly lower than average IQ that really did little to justify his position in the world of media. All he did was further heighten everything I'd ever thought about the local press and more.
Either way, I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to next weeks Stockport Express (or as we call it, the 'Stickprot Exproos') because... I don't think that I was doing the 'interested interviewer' look... to me, I looked psychotic and said so. Everyone else thought I was mad and said, "Oh no, you really are brilliant cos the look you did was a rare one that you really really were interested"....
We shall see.. but the price of a mug of coffee says I'm right...
I don't know whether to buy next weeks newspaper now or leave the country - depends on what happens when it comes out on Wednesday, and then I have the divine right to a weeks worth of 'brown trouser moments'.
The upside though, we're gonna laugh at what happened on Friday for a long time

Dave, Caroline and Tim (Pure Radio)
I'd already vowed in advance that, instead of using my real name, I was going to call myself 'Algernon Winstanly Knuckleduster III' - merely so I could then spell my own name... but one mug of coffee can do nothing to help.. really.
The photographer from the local paper turned up. My first instinct was 'this dolt looks like Columbo' and I just wish now that I'd had the forsight to take a picture of him in his grubby looking mac, scruffy pants and shoes and the sort of hairstyle the original Columbo would die for.
In fact.. it just seemed to be that the phrase 'dragged through a hedge backwards' fitted to absolute perfection and beyond.
And so it came to pass that pictures were taken. My pose was to look like I was interviewing the politician with the radio crew behind me and 'Brinnington Community First' representative Karen Reece (there's a reason for mentioning her name.. you'll see)
Naturally, I'm always a bit neurotic when it comes to our local paper because they've a reputation for getting names spelt wrong consistently, so when this Columbo-esque figure asked me for my name, I was poised to say 'Algernon Winstanly Knuckleduster III' when I heard my own name fall from my lips. I could feel my mind screaming 'nooo you idiot!!!' but thankfully, by talking slightly louder than normal and very very slowly, I was able to get him to write down 'A b i'....
With that in mind, this Columboesque figure went around the table collecting names that he was scrawling onto a piece of paper with a pencil (see, our press aren't THAT advanced...) and asked Karen if her name was spelt with a 'C' and 'how do you spell Reece?'
Personally, I wouldn't trust him to put batteries in the back of my own camera, let alone set him loose into the world with a professional camera like that with a seemingly lower than average IQ that really did little to justify his position in the world of media. All he did was further heighten everything I'd ever thought about the local press and more.
Either way, I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to next weeks Stockport Express (or as we call it, the 'Stickprot Exproos') because... I don't think that I was doing the 'interested interviewer' look... to me, I looked psychotic and said so. Everyone else thought I was mad and said, "Oh no, you really are brilliant cos the look you did was a rare one that you really really were interested"....
We shall see.. but the price of a mug of coffee says I'm right...
I don't know whether to buy next weeks newspaper now or leave the country - depends on what happens when it comes out on Wednesday, and then I have the divine right to a weeks worth of 'brown trouser moments'.
The upside though, we're gonna laugh at what happened on Friday for a long time
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