Isn't Technology Just Brilliant?!?!?
I write this knowing that this time next week, my dear old computer will be at the start of its retirement from broadcasting my weeky radio show.
That said, it's done all I could ever ask of it, AND MORE.
But it will still be in regular daily use as it has been for the last 6 years for more mundane tasks.
We'll be getting a new system next week - to replace the computer that blew up on us. I look forward to this new 'cutting edge' technology with great enthusiasm.
I know for a fact, this computer is very very slow at booting up - thats purely down to its age and that alone. In fact, we've got that way that while it's either booting up or closing down, we'll do stuff while we're waiting for it to decide what it's going to do, usually things like, making a coffee/taking the cups out to the kitchen, opening/closing the curtains... weekly shopping and the likes!
I know we're so now set for when we boot this machine up... it'll be all too easy to want to do those things when the new machine is installed. Yet, I know that once we get off the chair after hitting the 'on' switch, it'll be ready to do stuff once we merely shift our respective backsides for just a moment and almost like a silent polite cough, the new machine will indicate that it's ready for us to use before we've so much as said boo to a goose.
Then will come the data shifting. Stuff that can be moved onto the new machine once we've dabbled with what it's capable of doing. It means that... by the time all the required stuff has been moved onto the new machine, I acquire a 20Gb hdd for stuff.
As it stands at the moment, my dear computer currently contains a lot of precious data. C J Wrays album 'The Time Bell' and all the Sound Commandos stuff - which in its current state, is rather heavy on diskspace.
Which is fine. The new machine has an 80Gb hdd. It doesn't excuse us from the fact that we do need an external hdd - and we've seen the one we want. A nice big 250Gb Seagate External jobby. Perfect for what we need.
Personally, I don't want to be the one in the future to have to shift stuff between two computers using a 48mb flash memory card. I know at some point we need a router, but that can definitely wait, the external hdd however, cannot.
It would be just ideal to be able to have somewhere off a computer to store all our precious media stuff without having to try and locate where that cd went that you thought you put somewhere and now can't find for love nor money!
I admit now that we're terrible for going through cdrs and the likes... an external hdd would cut all that nonsense down by LOADS!
Anyway... Audio Coffee on the new machine...
It could take some time to get everything shifted across - we can't say for sure, but I'll keep everyone posted on whats what. There might be a delay, there might not... depends!!
Watch This Space!!!
[edit: Saturday May the something or other.. I can't be doing with trying to find a calender...]
Yesterday, and really quite unexpected, our brand new PC turned up at about lunchtime(ish) and we had a very pleasant afternoon with the box and contents like a pair of five year olds on Christmas day.
The whole thing is up and running sweetly now - yahoooeeey!!!
The only downside is that I've had to cancel Sundays show because there's absolutely loads of data to transfer between the two machines that needs to be done.
Not to worry, if things don't go square-shaped, then Audio Coffee will return next Sunday (21st).
Speaking of shows, there won't be one on May 28th because I won't be within 50 miles of my beloved and stupendously efficient new computer. I know I'd like to be, but... it isn't going to happen!
But after this month is out, its hoped I can get through the whole of June without something going wrong somewhere.
That said, it's done all I could ever ask of it, AND MORE.
But it will still be in regular daily use as it has been for the last 6 years for more mundane tasks.
We'll be getting a new system next week - to replace the computer that blew up on us. I look forward to this new 'cutting edge' technology with great enthusiasm.
I know for a fact, this computer is very very slow at booting up - thats purely down to its age and that alone. In fact, we've got that way that while it's either booting up or closing down, we'll do stuff while we're waiting for it to decide what it's going to do, usually things like, making a coffee/taking the cups out to the kitchen, opening/closing the curtains... weekly shopping and the likes!
I know we're so now set for when we boot this machine up... it'll be all too easy to want to do those things when the new machine is installed. Yet, I know that once we get off the chair after hitting the 'on' switch, it'll be ready to do stuff once we merely shift our respective backsides for just a moment and almost like a silent polite cough, the new machine will indicate that it's ready for us to use before we've so much as said boo to a goose.
Then will come the data shifting. Stuff that can be moved onto the new machine once we've dabbled with what it's capable of doing. It means that... by the time all the required stuff has been moved onto the new machine, I acquire a 20Gb hdd for stuff.
As it stands at the moment, my dear computer currently contains a lot of precious data. C J Wrays album 'The Time Bell' and all the Sound Commandos stuff - which in its current state, is rather heavy on diskspace.
Which is fine. The new machine has an 80Gb hdd. It doesn't excuse us from the fact that we do need an external hdd - and we've seen the one we want. A nice big 250Gb Seagate External jobby. Perfect for what we need.
Personally, I don't want to be the one in the future to have to shift stuff between two computers using a 48mb flash memory card. I know at some point we need a router, but that can definitely wait, the external hdd however, cannot.
It would be just ideal to be able to have somewhere off a computer to store all our precious media stuff without having to try and locate where that cd went that you thought you put somewhere and now can't find for love nor money!
I admit now that we're terrible for going through cdrs and the likes... an external hdd would cut all that nonsense down by LOADS!
Anyway... Audio Coffee on the new machine...
It could take some time to get everything shifted across - we can't say for sure, but I'll keep everyone posted on whats what. There might be a delay, there might not... depends!!
Watch This Space!!!
[edit: Saturday May the something or other.. I can't be doing with trying to find a calender...]
Yesterday, and really quite unexpected, our brand new PC turned up at about lunchtime(ish) and we had a very pleasant afternoon with the box and contents like a pair of five year olds on Christmas day.
The whole thing is up and running sweetly now - yahoooeeey!!!
The only downside is that I've had to cancel Sundays show because there's absolutely loads of data to transfer between the two machines that needs to be done.
Not to worry, if things don't go square-shaped, then Audio Coffee will return next Sunday (21st).
Speaking of shows, there won't be one on May 28th because I won't be within 50 miles of my beloved and stupendously efficient new computer. I know I'd like to be, but... it isn't going to happen!
But after this month is out, its hoped I can get through the whole of June without something going wrong somewhere.
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