Wednesday, August 04, 2004


When you move home, always pack the kettle last

It's true! Audio Coffee is going to be moving to on the 22nd of August!

Be sure that you're tuned in every Sunday - some of the best and hottest coffee will be headed your way (in a styrofoam cup) from the best coffee beans at - I can't wait!

The only rule is that you bring your own biscuits and you don't leave any crumbs behind because of my pet mice, they like that sort of thing hehehe!

The time the show will start as of the 22nd August is:

10-12pm EDT
3-5pm BST
4-6pm CET

It doesn't matter how you like your coffee, be sure there's going to be something there that suits your mug!

Audio Coffee - the caffiene free way of waking up on a Sunday!

(Gosh, I'm all excited!)