Thursday, July 07, 2005


Scummy Bastards

Sorry for the topic heading, but thats how I feel towards the mindless cowards that have done what they have to London today. Yesterday, it was celebrations... today it's chaos. Lives have been lost, many more are going to be psychologically scarred by this event. Wounds will heal... memories don't.
My thoughts are with the families of those who have lost someone today. Whoever is responsible, I pray that CCTV cameras have caught you performing your senseless acts and that the Police catch you all.
Yesterday, we cheered, there was ticker tape, confetti and tears of joy at getting the Olympics. Today, we had our 9/11 and the face we wear today is the face of utter shock.

Words fail me now. I'd like to say more, but other people have to say their 'more' first.
The only consolation is the pulling power between the people of London and the emergency services, you can bring a Brit down, but you can't bring Britain down.We might be an island nation - but we're one HELL of an island nation! The fatalities could've been higher, but they weren't. Thank God.

We've learnt a lot over the last few years, implementing anti-terrorism laws - and it's going to pay off. Mr.Terrorist, whoever you are, be assured, your cards are marked. We're all paying attention, you cannot win. We're watching you.