Saturday, February 19, 2005


Warming up the coffee pot

Well.. much as it was my intention to have a little party for Audio Coffee, I've held back on that in favour of 'other things' such as finally getting around to sorting out stuff towards the upcoming 'Ampcasthon'
There isn't an official date as yet but the earliest provisional date has been set for the 13th/14th March 2005.

So, plenty of stuff to sort out there, plus I'm hoping to invade 'The British Invasion' on the 19th March when Surreal Radio does an all Brit feature that so far, there are no other British female electronic musicians... except me.. and I'm about three years out of practice... (except for the bits of stuff I've done on my computer) so, I'm hoping and praying I get some sort of refresher from my dear darling before too long.

So, what else is new? WELL... (she said.. realising that she's the only female broadcaster at ampcast at the moment...) From next week, you'll be able to hear Audio Coffee go out even further when it links up to all at the same time and everything.. giving the show the much needed expansion it needs.

For now? settle down for 2 hours of the finest music there is on the show this week, I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the hotline :-)