Sunday, February 13, 2005


Hmmm? Really? NEVER!!

Ok, so it's time to admit, that *unofficially* Audio Coffee is a big shiny one year old... officially, it only went legit last August.. So, what I'm going to do, is have it some kind of really good unofficial birthday party next Sunday!
(20th February 2005)

I did mention somewhere on this particular blog that I was thinking of expanding at some point and sadly, thats all had to go to the wayside for now due to a whole load of other commitments. I'd *LOVE* the opportunity to do more broadcasting, but until I've sorted things out here one way or another, those expansion plans are for now, on hold.

There will be a time in the Summer when I can probably rethink and everything but for now, the one show each week on ampcast is more than plentiful.

I'm still trying to get organised for a 24 hour ampcasthon - something that is going to take precious time to get set up, and it's that which I am dedicating my freetime to. I'm already building flash banners on the other computer here and trying to get fellow ampcast presenters to join in what looks to be a promising 24 hours - we can do it.. but right now, it's all in the organisation stages.
Yes, I hope it does knacker me out.. Yes, I will enjoy it... Yes, it will hopefully bring new talent on-board aswell as expose fresh unearthed talents in all of us. I'm hoping to make it as participant friendly as possible and for once, the show with no format (yes, mine) will probably for once in it's life *have* a format to stick to - if but for one show...

On top of all that - yes.. I'm developing a mild cold :-(

But anyway - next weeks show promises to be a bloody good one! Make sure you're tuned in!!!