Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Some slight changes to Audio Coffee in the not too distant future...

Well, being as I am someone who does a lot locally for the local community, I've come to find out after three years, that redevelopment work is about to take place and as part of that, it's my job (as it was three years ago when some flats over the road were demolished) to keep a record of sorts for prosperity and to advertise this locale.
Now, three years ago, all I had was a crappy digital camera, tons of enthusiasm and a desire to do more. Now... I can.

This is going to sound strange to some, but it's going to be thrilling nontheless and from the time the equipment and gear moves in across the road (literally) then I can set about the task of interviewing the people involved and recording it - on and off site.

So, I'm hoping to bring a little of the community here to ampcasts community - why? well.. er.. until they can get the gear for everything to be on THEIR site and also.. so it can be aired on a local radio station.

Naturally, as things progress - I'll probably have to run yet another weblog on it all and publish photographs and the likes. I'll also probably end up working on a film of the whole thing and turn it into a dvd maybe - dunno yet, I'm female and likely to do things like change my mind and that sort of thing. Either way, it's going to be an exciting time ahead - one I'm looking forward to a lot!

Audio Coffee, really, doesn't have a real *format* so... expect ANYTHING to happen over the coming weeks and months.