Saturday, December 18, 2004


Have a Coffee Christmas!!!

It's here... that time again... when relatives hand your brightly wrapped packages and it's NOT a bomb/terrorist threat, but CHRISTMAS!
Although it doesn't necessarily stop you from handling said brightly wrapped packages with the same kind of contempt one would normally see wherever there is a threat...
Good ol' Grandma and her superior knitting skills!!!
Nice one dear Auntie for wrapping up a battery operated alarm clock!!!

Yeah! who needs bombs/terrorist threats when you can have Christmas?!

And a HO HO HO to you too....!!!

I've seen the turkey launcher - and it WORKS!! (Altho, I'm not going to post the details here - Christmas is bad enough at times already!)

So, lets get back to the show... this is the last Audio Coffee of 2004 (awwwwww!)
Considering I've not been doing this for long, I have to admit, I've had as much fun doing it as you have listening - and that, my friends, means more to me than anything
else (except other things at home) so I'm gonna sum up 2004 as best I can.

January: Oh that came and went.. nothing amazing happened there... ok, my birthday maybe, but that was about it. Surreal Radio launched on 17th January... still going strong.

February: The week before Valentines day, I was proposed to - and I said "yes".

March: bleh... not much...

April: again... as March.

May: Bought 2 pet mice...

June: Suddenly had 7 mice...

July: ...

August: AUDIO COFFEE launches its fat caffienated ass on on the 22nd - no rehearsals, no practice run, no damned safety net either! I did a brilliant interview with the UK Jean Michel Jarre tribute band, "JARRELOOK" and thanks again guys, many times over - you made my year!
30 mice were born (of which the males were taken to a pet shop when they were big enough...)

September: ...

October: Mouse numbers grow again..

November: ...

December: Audio Coffee throws caution into the wind to do a Christmas show! YEAH!!!

So there we go.. quite a good year.....

As for my Christmas pressie list for all my listeners and fellow ampcast presenters... well, you're going to have to tune in to find out what they're getting this Sunday the 19th December!

But what I need from YOU THE LISTENER is your funny Christmas stories... sure, they've been coming in - but I wanna have some more!!
You can do that quite simply by clicking on THIS WONDERFULLY HIGHLIGHTED AREA OF TEXT to tell me your funny stories.

If they're funny enough, I'll be reading them out live on air...
Worth the mention? yeah, too right it is!!!

Don't forget to click on THIS WONDERFULLY HIGHLIGHTED AREA OF TEXT to tell me...

*OR* you can email me with your hilarious Christmas stories by scrawling an email to me at abi @ - do it NOW NOW NOW!!!

Or I'll sing....