Monday, December 26, 2005


1024 megabytes = 1 Gigabyte

Which is loosely translated as approximately 204 tracks if the average megabyte size of an mp3 file from AMPCAST.COM is about 5mb

and taking internet speed into consideration, you could be looking at a week to download 50% of ampcast.coms music if you download continually for several days.

Something I am urging everyone to do.

Thankfully, I'm halfway there - after Audio Coffee began in August 2004, I've amassed a considerable number of tracks over time and ok, lost a few (computer crashes and so on)but managed to fill one dvd with some good good tunes - and there's plenty more going to be put onto a second dvd (for my own listening pleasure) once the doors on ampcast have been closed forever. The hard part being making sure I don't duplicate stuff... hehehe... not easy!

Well, I sure hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday season so far - I have. I'm rather proud of the fact that we've had 2 squirrels providing entertainment that simply can't be bought anywhere - and it's been great fun watching them! My only regret was not filming half of the antics, which reduced both myself and my mother into fits of giggles.
But I'm working on that...

Anyway, time for the build up to see 2005 disappear up its own backside as we welcome it's brother 2006 in with tentatively open arms.
I just hope 2006 is a lot better in many ways that 2005 wasn't. I have a lot planned for 2006 and I can't wait for it to all begin (with the exception of jury service - but once thats out of the way, I can get a move on!)

But to end this posting, I'd like to thank family and friends for all their cards and presents this Christmas.