Saturday, May 13, 2006


Here's to June already....

Why? well.. for one thing, I'll probably be able to do my regular Sunday shows without a break. New technology suddenly means 'ooooOOOOoooo we have the means and the POWAH!!!' and it also means that things do actually work...
Also, at some point in June, 'Pure Radio' starts full time operations from it's underground base in Stockport and with 'Brinnington Week' on the cards, stuff I did recently on a course with these guys will be aired and I'm hoping I can get to bring some of it to my internet audience.
We'll also be dropping our internet connection speed down too. We'll be going from 10Mb to 2Mb because thanks to our ISP, in June, 2Mb will become 4Mb.
That won't affect broadcasting in any way shape or form. It just means that while my ISP has a special offer on, we can save some money for once (mwahahaha!)
Which also means that now we have this lovely piece of machinery purring away, I get my old computer back - which I've now retired from broadcasting as it's too old and far too bloody slow.
But this weekend will be dedicated to moving files from that old computer (which I must admit, has done us proud this last few weeks or so) to the new one via one single re-writable cd and a flash memory card (48Mb).
Oh yes.. 16Gb on that computer needs moving and with only those two things.. imagine the fun I'm not having in moving everything across... s l o w l y . . .
But we'll get there... Half a Gigabyte at a time... thats.. Ooo.. roughly 14 burns from my pc to get everything as it should be and already, 2 burns are complete.
12 to go......... please.
So there we are, the news as it stands.
Right, I have a new computer to get fully acquainted with. More news during the week :-)