Friday, June 16, 2006



My life is ruined... the squirrels are registering off the scale here on the 'love me, I'm cute' factor!
So much so... I'm going to send you, dear reader to watch this film!

As far as radio things go - heh.. normal.. nothing to report as regards any change or anything like that. Summer is here and I'm tempted to step into the garden at some point to do a show (of sorts) provided I can get an extension cable of sorts either for the mic or the headphones... I mean... I can extend either the mic or the headphones at the moment, but not both! I'm working on it... first things first, I need a bigger memory card for my camera as it's almost THAT time of the year again for me.
By that, I mean, we're only a month away here from the annual summer fun day, which will mean this time around, I'll be doing my bit for the community again - which also reminds me, I must release last years pics!!
This year, I hope to go around with a mic and minidisc for not just capturing the audio of the atmosphere, but also for broadcasting purposes - which will not just be challenging, but also for me, rewarding.

I've begun the annual fight with swollen ankles again - it's no fun when you can sit and watch your ankles rising as quickly as bread dough proving for the oven... drinking plenty helps and so too does cool air - cue fan on feet, cue aroma of sweaty feet knocking out half the neighbourhood!!! No no.. I don't mean that!
I must also find some suitable summery footwear that will accomodate my feet in a comfortable manner as with the constant up and down of my ankles and feet, I'm also prone to collecting fine sets of blisters on the underside of my feet - right on the pads, in the middle... and the only respite from them is to not just pop them, but to practically cut a drainage hole so that I am able to at least hobble if not walk. Now if you think thats tricky with puffy ankles, add a blister to the mix - nope, no fun.
My knee doesn't like it either - so a triple whammy there and walking suddenly does become less fun than it used to be - like it was fun anyway with the trouble with the knee already...

But thats summer.. add a nosebleed and a couple of headaches and some additional hayfever goodness and thats me. A complete and utter disaster zone. Good thing we got our free entertainment thanks to our wonderful squirrel. She's taken my mind off whats ailing me. She's more than worth her weight in nuts and treats!
And the show? well... that just goes ON! :-)
No change there!
I'm just too durned stubborn to take this summer of being rotten to want to lie down and let it consume me!