Thursday, March 17, 2005


Audio Coffee moves up that gear it said it would...

Thats right people. You heard me rightly enough. The show is being stepped up a gear to bring you events from my community to yours through the medium of 'internet radio' aka, Audio Coffee.

Plans are in hand to visit PURE Radio in the next week or so (A radio station in Stockport). Something that I'm going to make a feature out of for a future show.

This coming weekend, I'll be in talks with 'Brinnington Community First' arranging an interview and *stuff* (I dont' want to give too much away already!)
aswell as doing my bit for the local annual lantern procession - an annual event thats truly amazing in that it brings together several community groups and a great time is had by all during what is quite possibly, the largest lantern procession in the area - and I want to share that with you all... why? because not a lot is said about this area and I think it's good to give it the credit it deserves - THATS WHY.

And it's true that all local community groups,regardless of where they are on the planet, be they big or small, need support because they do fantastic work that frequently goes unnoticed or only gets barely one line in the local newspaper.

I've been doing my bit for years and it's true to say that I've remained enthusiastic all the time as it makes for a more enjoyable experience. I've photographed events and filmed things and been called upon time and time again for these events because of my enthusiasm!! (plus the fact that I'm within easy reach of all the local events)

Radio is a means of conveying events and happenings. It's a way of communicating to a wide audience. It's a means of entertainment and education (Edutainment) and information.

There's no way I could ever envisage Audio Coffee disappearing off - ever. However, I'm more than prepared to expand the content and give it the kind of warmth and glowing feel a show like mine needs. It's called 'expansion'.

You'll get to hear a little of what goes on in my area and get to know it as well as I do. With the backing of Pure Radio and those local community groups, I can do *anything*

Right now, there's a warm tingly feeling inside me because of all this and it feels *good*.


Wow.. things are finally moving... WOOHOO!!
Next Thursday, I'll be paying a trip to Pure Radio HQ in town (yeeeeeeeeeeesssss!)
I'll report back once the deed is done.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Great times ahead... just put the kettle on...

There wasn't any show on Sunday last week because of being away for the entire weekend (Went to see BINAR in concert.. great show!).
That said, some developments have taken place. One of them being the finalisation of the date for the AMPCASTHON - an event that is going to celebrate the fact that the best OMD *EVER* is 6 years old and still going strong as ever and developing all the time.
I've seen loads of 'free' mp3 sites come and go over the 5 years I've been on the internet and I've seen artists come and go... but none... NONE have had the lasting power of AMPCAST.
6 years is a long time... but it proves one thing if nothing else.. it's doing something right!

Ok,so the radio schedules change from time to time - all good... why? it provides novelty, change from the old stagnant routines and schedules of regular radio. It's wholley unique in that the whole site is a service and a server at the same time and the music quality never ceases to amaze me and it's partly that reason why I decided to do the AMPCASTHON.
The whole event will bring a weeks worth of entertainment (good, bad and indifferent) to a 48 hour event that will kick open the floodgates to new listeners, new musicians and the likes and prove to the world at large that AMPCAST has seemingly always been there and will continue to be so.

The AMPCASTHON isn't out to raise funds for anything or do totally amazing stuff of the likes never done before... it's just out to say "WE'RE HERE!" and do it in spectacular style by us excellent show hosts. (I hate the word 'dj')

The event is due to take place on the first weekend in April - a month after it's 6th birthday...


Well...! No plans finalised for this weeks show as yet, but!!! One thing is for sure, yours truly will dig deep into the vast archives of ampcast and pull out 2 hours of the best music there once again!

If you have any requests... THIS is the place to post them... why? Because this is where the news is at and stuff... I like for people to read whats going on :-)
Here seems as good a place as any.