Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Some Interesting Statistics


Big Wide Something 132
Blowing Bubbles 1400
Bombay Mix 881
FuTuReSkYpE 340
Lou and Andy (Shoplifting megamix) 18400
My Name Is Not Jean Michel Jarre 364

As for the ambient stuff, well, it's only a recent thing and it would be most unfair to publish the listen/plays total on those until they've been there a few more months.

Hmm.. I think I get the idea now on whats the most popular stuff.... and it just so happens to be the 'Little Britain' stuff....

Well, anyway, now thats been published, I think I can safely go on holiday and get my feet up for a bit of a break or something... or knowing me, probably not... damn, if there's one thing, I can't relax on holidays... there's something about them that makes me even busier than ever.........
ah yeah.. it's all the walking we generally do.. good thing it's all walking (ok, I lie, we get the bus too) I'm still on the injured list (yes, the knee prob I've had for months) and my only nemesis at this moment, are the stairs at the future in-laws place..............................................eek?!

can I possibly borrow someones stair lift please?
aww... go on...
just for a couple of days, nothing more
*big sad eye look*
go on.. I know you want to...