Sunday, October 26, 2008


This Weeks show downloads.

Finally, PODOMATIC works, so I’ve uploaded there as of  very late Tuesday evening.

As I also forgot to post last weeks show here, I’ll do that FIRST. So you’ll see last weeks show and then this weeks.

Don’t forget – there are NO SHOWS between 30th October and 2nd November.  Everything will return to normal thereafter (Until Christmas)

Thursday, October 23, 2008


BBC Autumnwatch

Yeah, thats all we need, ‘Rock ‘ard reds!’

Monday, October 20, 2008


This weeks show download:


And also at podomatic 

Just a note to US listeners: next weeks show will be an hour earlier for you due to the UK/EU adjusting clocks back one hour. However, the show will be uploaded as usual.

There will be no shows broadcast on between 30th October and 2nd November 2008.

Broadcasting will resume after those dates.

If you’re not a member of the facebook group, why not sign up? It’s totally free and allows you access to the same stuff as here - and more!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


This weeks show dowloads…

Well, seems mybloop is undergoing a radical change, so for the time being, filesavr is turning out to be the best thing I’ve found so far…



Sunday, October 05, 2008


This Weeks Show downloads:


Mybloop are still experiencing problems with their uploader, so for the time being, everything will now be uploaded to fileservr and podomatic.