Sunday, March 29, 2009


This weeks show downloads & Annual Lantern Procession.

Well, what a great Saturday night I had at the 11th annual Brinnington Lantern procession! In all the years the event has been held, I don’t think I’ve ever been quite so overwhelmed by the amount of people who turned out last night – you know who you are, so give yourself a well deserved round of applause for making the whole evening enjoyable!

You can enjoy some of the pictures I took by clicking HERE. 

And of course, video:


Anyway.. this weeks show downloads – and thanks to all again for listening!



Sunday, March 22, 2009


This weeks show downloads.

again, mybloop is down…

But there’s always




Sunday, March 15, 2009


This Weeks Show Downloads.

Still no decent working mic here…

Microphone1: only outputs on the left channel

Microphone2: battery operated and only putting out on the left channel…

Headset mic: too sensitive to use on it’s own (even for pre-recording stuff)  and won’t work on the mixing deck… and for something thats 10 years old that cost me £10 – I’m surprised after the years of abuse it’s gone through that it still works at all… :-D

Anyway… this weeks show…

Mybloop is still down…



Enjoy :-)

Sunday, March 08, 2009


This weeks show downloads

mybloop is down for the moment (I’ll try there again during the week)


and filesavr

Saturday, March 07, 2009


Curse you, microphone!!

As you’re probably aware, there have been some issues here regarding the microphone I use to broadcast… well, after exploring and delving deep into this problem, the conclusion is – it’s been the microphone at fault all this time!

It works… but only if you plug it in three quarters of the way. After spending more time than is healthy trying to get the bl**dy thing to work, I’ve had to admit defeat. There’s one screw holding it together but as yet, I can’t seem to get into the actual mechanisms to do anything about it and yes, I have taken microphones apart before – so give me some credit…!

I also admit to not having had much time to sort it out and it does mean that from now on, I’ll have to pre-record any talkover bits in advance of the live Sunday broadcast. I do have a spare mic, but it’s on a headset and won’t work with the mixing deck at all.

It means that we definitely need a new microphone at some point. For now, I’ll just have to find the time and a quiet spot to record whatever it is I’m going to say and hope that we acquire a new mic sooner rather than later… 

Afterall, it’s not like a microphone can tell you it’s pretty much as good as dead…

And at least in some ways, I can work this to my advantage.. mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Sunday, March 01, 2009


This weeks show downloads + news.

From next Sunday, 8th March, Audio Coffee will be broadcast and the slightly earlier time of 11am UK time and 12noon EU time – this is purely because the USA goes into summertime early. Of course, normality will ensue once the UK and EU put their clocks forward one hour on March 29th…


