Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Audio Coffee - this coming Sunday

Will be something of a sendentary affair as both computers here have had to be formatted and reinstalled and all the rest of it. Installation spree time...yippeee!
I'm not really planning on anything, except maybe the reimplementation of the 'Audio Coffee - Coffee Cup Challenge'.
Which reminds me, I need to think about the challenge that will run until the end of March - because February is such a short month!
The challenge is dead simple, all you have to do (if you wish to participate) is create something - at least 3 minutes in duration and I'll play anything and everything if it's as good as it is unique - I want to fire your imaginations and inspire you musicians out there to be as creative as I am cunning.

More later this week, and if not, news will be generated here ASAP. Time for your involvement people!!! :-)