Monday, March 31, 2008



Originally uploaded by _Abi_


Lantern Procession

Uploaded by AudioCoffee

Uploaded by AudioCoffee

Breathing Space...

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Freaky Eyes

Freaky Eyes
Originally uploaded by _Abi_

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Jean-Michel Jarre: "Oxygene" Live - March 16


Excited? YOU BET!!

One day to go...

Chaos is the buzzword around here and 'crazy' will be the mood this time tomorrow in the middle of Manchester...

All the necessary cleaning here has been done in anticipation of our guests, supper ingredients for tomorrow night are within easy reach and I've damned near broke my back getting the carpets clean (we both have long hair which easily finds its way into the carpets and have to sweep up hairballs first before attempting to destroy the vacuum cleaner..)
I'm taking a little break from all the housework for the moment and while I sit here writing, I'm thinking a day ahead of myself... which is wrong in some respects, but right in others, sometimes it's good because although normal people can preempt stuff, I think I've gone through absolutely every possible scenario whether it's right, wrong or just plain stupid.

The excitement level here has meant that my backache from all the housework was purely and simply because I allowed myself to get (literally) swept away in it all... it's not every day that Jean Michel Jarre visits to do a concert and it's not every day I get this excited.
I've managed to reach a level of calmness otherwise, although, in town the other day, some busker had a little pipe organ playing... I don't know what tune it was playing, but I could only hear 'Band in the Rain' - this was not a good sign! It just raised the excitement level up a notch and when we walked past it a second time, to my ears and poor addled brain, it was still playing 'Band in the Rain'.

I can't win.

Tomorrow, I'll have to give in to the excitement and will love every single moment of it. Yes, I am something of a syth lover - always have been... I absolutely can't get enough of electronic abstract ambient either... there's just something about it that I can't define that makes it all the more wonderful and if you've been following this, then two of the links you'll see above each post will direct you to some of the stuff I've created over the years.

For those going to Manchester tomorrow - I'll be the identifiable little thing with a purple jacket, black cardigan, white teeshirt, jeans and a handbag the size of a suitcase.
(Travel light? Impossible!)
I'll also be the one stood outside smoking too... (I can't stand being trapped inside permanently sometimes.. need air...!!)


Wednesday, March 26, 2008


2 days to go..

Yes, I must be absolutely stark raving mad... I've banned myself from listening to any Jean Michel Jarre music at home either on dvd or cd... why? Irrational excitement builds up and I want to save it all for Friday - please..!

There's so much to do here still before we set off on Friday for Manchester - thankfully, living so close means a lot and the train fare isn't going to kill us!
(we're approx 12 minutes by train away or six miles, take your pick!)

I've got the back bedroom ready for our overnight guest staying there and supper for when we get back has been planned meticulously. This is an area where fast-food is hard to obtain, so it's good home-cooking on the menu. Anyway, I'm skipping a few things here... The fan-meeting in Manchester has all been sorted out and people know now where to meet up. I'm also taking along with me my kazoo. It's small, portable, easy to replace if missing or broke, is totally analogue and should make for a great 'ice-breaker' at any given point before entry to the theatre. I call it 'Jarreaoke' for want of a better name for the activity...
My camera batteries are currently being charged up and with the rest of my gear, will then be assembled precariously in my handbag for use on Friday. Contents which will include train tickets, concert tickets spare memory cards, batteries and of course, not forgetting, the kazoo.

If there's one thing I've come to appreciate is the meeting up of other like-minded souls all heading off to the same venue you're going to and when you're all together, it creates the kind of social buzz that helps to heighten the anticipation and excitement of it all. Walking to the theatre as a collective (known as a 'walking bus') adds a new sense of feeling... I missed that back in 1997, when I went alone, didn't meet up with anyone and went home alone... then again, 11 years ago, there wasn't the internet and the socialising networks there are now.
Of course, the majority of people have met people who know people who have met people through other concerts - it's somewhat more than just a normal community - it's something more.
Either way, the excitement here continues to build up and Friday seems like an impossible dream, but it will soon be here.
As too will Jean Michel Jarre himself...
Thankfully, this time, the England Vs France game is tonight... ironic how 11 years ago, a similar game was being played the same week in the UK and the resulting score was 1-0. It will be a bit more than fate if the score tonight is 1-0.
I shall be keeping watch!!

And it's over

And it's over
Originally uploaded by Ork de Rooij
I absolutely LOVE the lighting effect on this....!!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Goose and Squirrel plan their entry


i just crossed the line, what are you gonna do about it?

What absolutely fantastic colouration!!! :-)

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Busy busy busy...

I'm going to make the most of the upcoming Easter weekend by doing as little as possible if I can help it. I want to conserve my energy into getting ready for the next weekend!
Why? Well, there's just a matter of a Jean Michel Jarre concert to get ready for (btw, welcome back to Manchester, Jean Michel - been too long a time!) and on the Saturday, there's just the small matter of our local areas annual lantern procession to attend/film/photograph/enjoy.

Firstly, the concert in Manchester - I've been attending to my nerves and my sanity first. Yes, I'm a big fan of electronica and there's nothing like having a Jean Michel Jarre concert just six miles away from home, or 12 minutes away by train (and the 10 minute walk to the Opera House)

The thing I love most about these concerts is the atmosphere. It builds up in a way no other concert by any other artist can achieve or ever dare hope to. In fact, when you purchase a ticket, you're not just buying the right to be sat in a theatre to hear it all live - you're buying an experience. And it all happens the minute your hands touch the tickets. It happens because it can happen and we allow it to happen. It's an all consuming magic that defies any kind of logic or reason. When you approach the theatre, there's a sense of something suddenly magical that you didn't experience before. The electricity in the air is suddenly highly charged.
When you hand over the ticket at the door, the power of it all takes over. You might be physically there in body and soul, but there's a part of you thats escaped into the ether to observe it all and for the duration, you've as good as already lost yourself in the theatre.
As you take your seat (the only other lucid moment you'll have other than finding the toilets) the strains of 'Waiting for Cousteau' pull you into a false sense of reality. You can hear others finding their seats and the dim lighting adds to a newer sense of magic. Then there's that moment, an undefinable moment, the lights in the auditorium peter away to a brief fleeting moment of silence before the curtain raises. You can feel the anticipation in the air as the 'Waiting for Cousteau' finally dissipates into the ether of the theatre, a disjointed sound that never really seemed to come from any one location anyway, the senses tingle, the breath catches your lungs and the adrenalin rush greets you warmly as Jean Michel himself when the curtain raises.
From that moment on, nothing matters... you're swept away on a tide of sound.
As the whole concert reaches a conclusion, when everyone takes a bow, it's like a breaking of the spell thats had you captured for so long - and as you leave the theatre, you have to pinch yourself to wonder if you were ever there at all.
The memories come in flashbacks to remind you that yep, you *were* there and in my own experience, it takes a few days to get back from a concert regardless of the distance thats needed to travel!

And secondly, the lantern procession.
It's been held annually and celebrates its 10th anniversary on the 29th March. I've attended every single one and that too has a mystic air of wonder about it. I like to get there early to see everybody taking part arrive. As night begins to fall, the chatter of excitement builds, then the marching bands play a few tunes to warm up. The numbers build up and soon enough, the lanterns are lit casting a fantastic glow all around. The lanterns are in all shapes and sizes and each one of the large lanterns has taken months to make. I recall the very first lantern procession, it was headed by a rather large illuminated grandfather clock lantern - a superb way of being reminded that the clocks go forward an hour that night.
Over the years, the numbers have grown and the same care and dedication has been put into making the lanterns look even better this year.
And speaking of the celebration, as it's the 10th anniversary, I can't wait! There's the promise of good hot food and a fireworks display.
Usually, I'm terrified of fireworks - but I'll be ensuring that my sanity is preserved for the duration!
I can't wait for that lantern procession... I say the same thing every single year. There's something about it that brings the community together.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


White Tip 2

White Tip 2
Originally uploaded by squitten
cool or what huh? :-D

Monday, March 10, 2008


Red squirrel

Red squirrel
Originally uploaded by Dale Harrison