Thursday, December 30, 2004


1st Show of 2005!!!

Wooo!!! Got it all planned, drawn out and sorted for Sundays first show of the New Year, with a reflective glance (and some surprises) at how Audio Coffee spawned from being a lowly Sunday morning feature from an ircnet chatroom to something amazing on

So much so... there is other news afoot, but you're gonna have to wait for that. Its news of a nature that is going to make a real difference and you're going to have to keep your eyes and ears peeled over the coming weeks for more details and information as it all happens...

Either way, things happen...

Audio Coffee will be happening...

So get your ears over there this and every Sunday only on ! <--radio page <--find out about all the shows here

See you all on Sunday!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Have a Coffee New Year!!!!

Audio Coffee will throw all caution into the wind once again as the good ship hangover kicks in on the 2nd January 2005. With some surprises along the way and good stuff galore, can you afford to be anywhere else this weekend? I think maybe NOT!!!
Yes, I'm still taking requests....

To view my tracklisting... *CLICK HERE*
But, nice, gentle quiet music?


If YOU can't decide from my rapidly expanding playlist, then I'm going to have to choose everything myself...

Audio Coffee - 2nd January 2005 - 10 am ET, 3pm in the UK and 4pm across most of Europe - only on

Respecting not one single headache!!!

Monday, December 20, 2004


Audio Coffee - Christmas Present list & BONUS!! 12 revamped days of Christmas!!

Christmas Pressie list for deserving ampcast presenters and my regular listeners...

DennyVan - you gave CJ a set of six pipes last Christmas... so... seeing as how you probably forgot that you gave them to him, you can have them back :-p

(m)Adam Kittle - a new handbag and some pantyhose... no real reason behind it...

Frank Cotolo - How about a little song... "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, yeah, my two front teeth. Gee if I could only have my two front teeth, then I could wish you 'Merry Chrithmath'!"

Jiggy Jaguar - I know you're new here... but I'm gonna send a magic fairy over to your place and she's gonna sort your mic out and your connection so you don't sound all hissy and unintelligable.

Andy Van Duyne - seems appropriate that for some reason, I'm compelled to give you a box of chocolates...

John Ingram? Ok, some Pampers - but they're NOT for the baby!

CJWray - he's already got me... and... er... what do you get a guy who has all he wants? I could be boring and give him slippers again... but thats not really my style...

Splash - mouse kebab?

And Palancar... now this is where the male logic in me kicks in because I didn't know what to get you and therefore, I got you SOCKS.

and now for the listeners pressies....

Mivo and Delphis - yes, you two... hah! what can I get two people who love to argue? yeah, how about a mudwrestling session? no? tough... I've set up a virtual mudwrestling ring on the other side of the hotline, so if you'd like to go over there and... heck, I couldn't think of anything else :-p

SpookyUK - I'm not going to give you a virtual pressie... I'm just gonna request that you take your camera to where Mivo and Delphis are sparring it out in the mudwrestling ring and take pics.

Zig-Zag - I'd buy you a domain, but seeing as how you have so many of the things right now, it hardly seems ideal to give you more less work to do.

Wimmer and Jerome - I know you're listening either to the show or the archive and I'll be fair... you can have each other for Christmas.

BONUS!! 12 revamped days of Christmas (written by ME!)

12 cans of lager
11 pints of guinness
10 chocolate logs
9 bars of chocolate
8 Christmas Crackers
7 lost days
6 deep fried turkeys
5 onion rings!
4 Christmas cards
3 Frenchmen
2 Turtlewax
and a headache to last the whole day....!

It's a more... er.... uhm honest.. er... list... uhmm.... don't suppose you lot can do any better... can you?

Saturday, December 18, 2004


Have a Coffee Christmas!!!

It's here... that time again... when relatives hand your brightly wrapped packages and it's NOT a bomb/terrorist threat, but CHRISTMAS!
Although it doesn't necessarily stop you from handling said brightly wrapped packages with the same kind of contempt one would normally see wherever there is a threat...
Good ol' Grandma and her superior knitting skills!!!
Nice one dear Auntie for wrapping up a battery operated alarm clock!!!

Yeah! who needs bombs/terrorist threats when you can have Christmas?!

And a HO HO HO to you too....!!!

I've seen the turkey launcher - and it WORKS!! (Altho, I'm not going to post the details here - Christmas is bad enough at times already!)

So, lets get back to the show... this is the last Audio Coffee of 2004 (awwwwww!)
Considering I've not been doing this for long, I have to admit, I've had as much fun doing it as you have listening - and that, my friends, means more to me than anything
else (except other things at home) so I'm gonna sum up 2004 as best I can.

January: Oh that came and went.. nothing amazing happened there... ok, my birthday maybe, but that was about it. Surreal Radio launched on 17th January... still going strong.

February: The week before Valentines day, I was proposed to - and I said "yes".

March: bleh... not much...

April: again... as March.

May: Bought 2 pet mice...

June: Suddenly had 7 mice...

July: ...

August: AUDIO COFFEE launches its fat caffienated ass on on the 22nd - no rehearsals, no practice run, no damned safety net either! I did a brilliant interview with the UK Jean Michel Jarre tribute band, "JARRELOOK" and thanks again guys, many times over - you made my year!
30 mice were born (of which the males were taken to a pet shop when they were big enough...)

September: ...

October: Mouse numbers grow again..

November: ...

December: Audio Coffee throws caution into the wind to do a Christmas show! YEAH!!!

So there we go.. quite a good year.....

As for my Christmas pressie list for all my listeners and fellow ampcast presenters... well, you're going to have to tune in to find out what they're getting this Sunday the 19th December!

But what I need from YOU THE LISTENER is your funny Christmas stories... sure, they've been coming in - but I wanna have some more!!
You can do that quite simply by clicking on THIS WONDERFULLY HIGHLIGHTED AREA OF TEXT to tell me your funny stories.

If they're funny enough, I'll be reading them out live on air...
Worth the mention? yeah, too right it is!!!

Don't forget to click on THIS WONDERFULLY HIGHLIGHTED AREA OF TEXT to tell me...

*OR* you can email me with your hilarious Christmas stories by scrawling an email to me at abi @ - do it NOW NOW NOW!!!

Or I'll sing....

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


No Coffee this Sunday... :-(

Due to a couple of factors, there will not be any Audio Coffee this weekend of the 12th December.


Audio Coffee will return on the 19th December with an all-singing and dancing Christmas show spectacular!!!!!!

So bring your party hats and streamers and all the usual paraphernalia associated with the festive season for two hours of fun and frolics!!

I'll be wearing my jingly bell hat...
and lots of good stuff will be lined up and shot all in the name of 'Merry Christmas' :-)

Watch this space though as I'll be handing out some really nice presents to some really deserving people and I'll be listing those virtual pressies right here as well as mentioning them on my show. Have you been deserving? Have you been a good boy/girl? Do you really want to find out? If so... get on the hotline

And while I'm at it.. don't forget to listen to other fabulous shows on ampcast during the week - especially:

Frank Cotolo (Cotolo Chronicles - excellent show... live chat)
Adam Kittle (Jazz, soul, funk, R&B - never a letdown!!)
Splash ( Just a great show to tune into...)
Andy Van Duyne ( Box of Chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get!)
Jiggy Jaguar (WTF is this guy on? find out by tuning in!!)

and if you can't catch the shows, at least get their show archives!!

BTW: Audio Coffee is fully archived - you can catch the very first show and the latest show by going to **HERE**

Sunday, December 05, 2004


Coming up on Audio Coffee

This week sees a general mix of 'whatever', I don't like to announce because I like to just launch a load of tracks on the unsuspecting listener and have done with it (as has always been the way)

Next weeks show is not going to happen for a couple of reasons...
Firstly, there has been a death in the family and therefore, with it being a close relative, I must go to the funeral on Thursday (Unless I hear otherwise)- it's not something I am looking forward to, but it is my duty to attend.
Secondly, a much needed break is called for, and so with bags packed and all that, myself and C J will be staying with his family for a couple of days.

Audio Coffee will return on the 19th December with a Christmas special, and if you're going to be anywhere that day, you'd better be in the hotline!!
I'm not saying anything other than I'll be handing out some nice early virtual presents.
Why virtual? you can give without giving...
(also easier on the pocket too... *tight bastard glint in eye*)

So there you have it - the low down on the show down.. The water on the coffee... that sort of thing...

This information was published more to remind myself and you the listener of whats coming up on Audio Coffee in the next couple of weeks... heck, now I sound like one of those really crap Christmas listings guides that comes out a month before Christmas that has little if none of it's info correct (or missing).... I'll shut up. I'm in need of a break and the cracks are showing...
Do I need the tinsel? Find out between now and the 19th!!!!!!