Tuesday, August 23, 2005


1 year old....!!!!!!!

Although, I have to admit, it'll probably be a somewhat subdued event due to my cold turning into something rather nasty and unpleasant. I've got myself an appointment at the doctors, it's having the energy to walk there thats going to be the real test.
Well, in a news packed week:

Bob Moog passed away.. what a sad loss.. the creative genius who gave the world the earliest synths....

My art tutor appeared on local tv last night because he survived the Manchester Air disaster in 1985... *link*

Jean Michel Jarre's birthday is tomorrow (24th August) and he's doing a concert in Gdansk this coming Friday *link*

It's 2 years this weekend since C J Wray came to live here

and it's.. well.. Audio Coffees first birthday!!!

Can't promise anything..might have a few surprises lined up, depends if my health improves between now and weekend. I'm currently running a slight temperature which doesn't make things easy.


Ok, lets get this over with before this slight fever has me good and proper!
Septembers challenge is simple... Steel drums.. in any way you like!!!!!!!!
There, I can go and have a lie down now until Sunday.