Sunday, October 02, 2005


Some things I'm liable to forget...

I have a good memory, normally. But come Sunday, come showtime - come memory loss!!
I mentally plan the whole thing out over the week, and thats a good thing, usually by showtime, in the week thats just passed, things happen, and while I don't have anything written down to aid or assist me, by the time I'm live, I'm making the whole thing up as I go along - not too bad a thing because stuff happens in the hotline that jogs my 35 year old memory back to some kind of life - and thats good. I almost feel as though the hotline is my thing to remember stuff. Things like URLs and links tend to be neglected though and thats why (before todays show) I'm addressing that little issue.
Firstly, I've had some good news this week, I've actually had some pictures published in a local newsletter - something that has been distributed in the area and has gone into the letterboxes of several thousand homes this week - and that same publication can be read online aswell (pdf format of course). I do some photography and in July, I volunteered my photography services for the purpose of capturing the summer fun day here. It was a VERY hot day indeed and armed to the teeth with three cameras, I set about the task of shooting anything that moved over the course of 5 hours, surviving on no more than fruit smoothies bought at the event (and very nice they were too, they kept me going!)
Ok, so here is the link to the PDF of the publication. you'll need a pdf reader to fully appreciate it. Adobe Acrobat will do the job nicely.
I've pictures on the front cover and on the inside in a full page spread.

Ok, thats all for now, I got me a show to sort out!